Personal Messages
Fri, 04/19/2019 - 8:29am
5 years
I am fairly new to this site, and am wondering if there is an area where i can see my message to other members.
I sent a message to a member a while back about updating a POI file, but got no response. I would like to see my original message text and IF it was read.
Unless you CC:ed yourself,
Unless you CC:ed yourself, probably not. The send message function is just a gateway to email that hides the recipient's email from you until they reply back to you.
Best thing you can do is use the send message function again and see if you get a response.
Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267
Thank You
Ohh, I didn't realize that it worked that way. Thanks. I will try it again and make sure I CC myself
If I may ask?
Which poi file because sometimes the maintainers go mia (missing in action). For whatever reason they may have just stopped maintaining the file, lost interest, etc.
Ohh, I didn't realize that it worked that way. Thanks. I will try it again and make sure I CC myself
Nuvi 2460LMT.
Also, ...
Which poi file because sometimes the maintainers go mia (missing in action). For whatever reason they may have just stopped maintaining the file, lost interest, etc.
Ohh, I didn't realize that it worked that way. Thanks. I will try it again and make sure I CC myself
Also, besides MIA maintainers, private messages from the POI Factory to users are not infrequently marked as spam by the intended receiver's ISP or mail provider and if the maintainer doesn't monitor their Spam Box, your message may never be seen.
What I do when offering a POI location correction or update to a maintainer of a POI file is keep a copy for myself, then if I receive no reply from the maintainer and see no update to the POI file within a week or so, I contact the admin folks:
with the info I was trying to refer to the maintainer and report that I think my update to the maintainer was not acted upon. The admin folks here can contact the maintainer directly and get things resolved. And if the maintainer is truly MIA, the admin folks may take your update or correction and apply it to the POI file.
Which poi file because sometimes the maintainers go mia (missing in action). For whatever reason they may have just stopped maintaining the file, lost interest, etc.
or the message goes to recipient's spam folder and like most of us, the spam folder is never checked unless we're expecting something.
And if this site has not
And if this site has not fixed the problem, the email from here to the maintainer will not be routed.
This has happend in the near past and the admins were going to look into the problem.
Most likey though, the email goes to the maintainers spam folder and dies.
I never get lost, but I do explore new territory every now and then.
Unlisted Propane Station - POI
I just wanted to add a location for propane fill up. to "Propane Fill Stations USA / Canada"
Wasn't sure if my message was seen or not.
Unless the maintainer has
Unless the maintainer has replied to you, or you see your update, it's probably a good guess that your message was not seen.
It's really sad that that's the way it is here, and it shouldn't be because some of the maintainers do great work, and others....?
I never get lost, but I do explore new territory every now and then.
Check the last update date
You might get a hint whether the author went MIA by checking the POI itself to when it was last updated. If it's 2009, for example, you might think that the POI has been "orphaned." Another possibility is that the author just isn't thoughtful enough to acknowledge your mail to him/her.
"No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse."
Most people have good
Most people have good intentions, but often life gets in the way and interests change. Such is life.
I'll try sending again, and if nothing, I'll contact a maintainer.
Best bet is to contact
Best bet is to contact Angela. She and Jonathon are the only ones that can edit them, other than the maintainer.
Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267
Propane Fill stations
A year ago so I would think he/she would still be around. I would contact Angela or JM.
Change History
Flying Moose - Apr 13, 2018
completely updated; now also includes Canada
JM - Apr 12, 2018
changed maintainer from mountaindweller4 to Flying Moose
Nuvi 2460LMT.
File Update for Propane Fill stations USCanada
Most people have good intentions, but often life gets in the way and interests change. Such is life.
I'll try sending again, and if nothing, I'll contact a maintainer.
A year ago so I would think he/she would still be around. I would contact Angela or JM.
Change History
Flying Moose - Apr 13, 2018
completely updated; now also includes Canada
JM - Apr 12, 2018
changed maintainer from mountaindweller4 to Flying Moose
muell9k wrote
I doubt you will you will get a response from member Flying Moose, he only had one post since he took over the file or any other posts since then.
See his post track history here:
Nuvi 2460LMT 2 Units
Email still not right, I think
I just sent a message to "mahoney" and cc'd myself. not sure if he/she received it, but I know that I never got a copy in my email inbox.
"mahoney" If you see this, can you let me know if you got it?
I just sent a message to "mahoney" and cc'd myself. not sure if he/she received it, but I know that I never got a copy in my email inbox.
"mahoney" If you see this, can you let me know if you got it?
I always send a copy to myself as well (a gmail address) and my copy continues to appear in gmail's Spam folder in spite of my repeatedly telling gmail that these POI messages are not spam.
I always set these messages to send a copy to myself so that when I receive no response from a POI maintainer after several days, that I can copy the POI lat/long/ID to The Powers That Be so they can try to send the message to the POI Maintainer. I have one active update that I'm trying to get resolved right now.
For what it's worth, I've had good luck with updates sent to mahoney and I expect that may be because he checks his spam folders regularly.
(The other) Craig
I did check my spam folder
I did check my spam folder as well as my "ALL mail" but I have nothing from POI except for the initial email from POI stating...
"Your first post was delayed for SPAM checking. Future posts will be published immediately. "
I am starting to suspect something is goofy with my account
I did find them in my spam folder. I was searching for the wrong thing. It shows up as "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender" instead of "POI"!
I get one to "me" and one to someone else (mahoney?)
it states:
"...A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
host []:
554 5.7.9 Message not accepted for policy reasons. See ..."
I've also found that " I " cannot send PM's. For whatever reason they are rejected by the POIfactory system.
The exceptions are the few members with whom I'd been in email contact some time ago and whose emails have been saved in a POI folder.
Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.
I sent a test message by
I sent a test message by using the Contact form. Mahoney received it and replied (directly) to me. I was hoping that it would bounce back to me. I thought Yahoo mail servers reject all email that claim to be from one domain but sent from another domain or mail servers that aren't authorized.
I'm using my hotmail email account. What I'm saying is, my message gets mailed out of one of poi factory mail servers but the From field says it is from That should trigger a policy violation on the recipient's mail server because poi factory mail servers are not authorized to send email. The result would be a different if poi factory is using Microsoft mail servers which are responsible for email delivery.
Which email are you using? (note: do not post your entire email address).
I just received a test email from chewbacca, but I did not see an email from eclindholm. Please resend.
By the way, I just sent an email to maintainer nats50 and it was returned and not delivered.
When all else fails, I contact Angela at poifactory and she can resolve the problem.
I am using
I am using
I will see about using one
I will see about using one of my different email servers and try that.
Just resent!
I just changed my account to use my gmail account instead of my yahoo account, and re-sent the message. Can you let me know if you get this one?
I just received a test email from chewbacca, but I did not see an email from eclindholm. Please resend.
By the way, I just sent an email to maintainer nats50 and it was returned and not delivered.
When all else fails, I contact Angela at poifactory and she can resolve the problem.
I did get your latest attempt. I found it in my spam folder. I try to look at that folder before I delete any of them. I made the correction to the Wendys file this morning.
So it looks like my issue has been with yahoo then. Switching my email to gmail was successful! Onward and upward!
Thanks everyone.
I did get your latest attempt. I found it in my spam folder. I try to look at that folder before I delete any of them. I made the correction to the Wendys file this morning.
Yahoo Email Servers
So it looks like my issue has been with yahoo then. Switching my email to gmail was successful! Onward and upward!
Thanks everyone.
I did get your latest attempt. I found it in my spam folder. I try to look at that folder before I delete any of them. I made the correction to the Wendys file this morning.
Last year I also had issues with using my Yahoo email account when using POI Factory email CONTACT service when sending messages to members.
Since then I changed to gmail email and have not experienced any issues corresponding to members.
Nuvi 2460LMT 2 Units