Watch out for Gmail’s new Confidential Mode


Watch out for Gmail’s new Confidential Mode

It’s easy and useful, but Google’s new ‘secure email’ is neither secure nor email.

Most email can either be secure or easy to use. You can have one but not both.

That’s why people are so excited about a new feature in Google’s Gmail. It’s called Confidential Mode, and it’s an easy way to make email more private.

Confidential Mode lets you add an “expiration date” to emails. Once that date arrives, the email is no longer viewable by the recipient.

Messages marked as Confidential can’t be copied, forwarded, printed or downloaded.

And you can revoke access at any time.

Sounds great, right? Well, not so fast. There are a lot of “gotchas” in the new Confidential Mode that you need to know about.

Prease to read more here:

Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!

Smoke and Mirrors

Goggle and Confidential is an Oxymoron.

And as the article shows, Goggle now gets the recipients phone number?

Phishing will be on this like flies on you know what.

I never get lost, but I do explore new territory every now and then.

Confidential Mode

Thanks Barney for always posting these interesting articles. Sounds like Confidential mode sets people up for phishing. You wonder what the software people at Google were thinking when they designed confidential mode to operate this way. Following any link in an e-mail can be very risky.


I'm glad you find it interesting.. here's a trick if you like..

when you go to a site that wants an email to let you into see it, you can create a throw away email at Just go there, and you can create anything you like..

I do that so I don't get blasted with crap.. frequently I get the validation email there, I validate and then I can look at the site.

If the sire is a good site, I may use a real email addy... but its always safe to give them a trash email so you don't get blasted!

Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!


Thanks for the info as I use gmail as my main email account.

Thanks for the info

Thanks for the info

What can you expext

There is always be a " gotcha. If you want an e-mail they want your info and you find a way to give without compromise yourself.

Thanks for Posting

Thanks for the update. Glad someone keeps up with this tech stuff.


Thank you, BarneyBadass. Not liking this move by Google.


you can always do like me and create a non-self identifying Gmail account.. go to say a wireless phone place and use one of their phones to do the validation...

Yup... go there; send the request; use their phone to validate the sms msg... n' off y'go!!


Where there's a will there's a way!!

Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!


BarneyBadass wrote:

you can always do like me and create a non-self identifying Gmail account.. go to say a wireless phone place and use one of their phones to do the validation...

Yup... go there; send the request; use their phone to validate the sms msg... n' off y'go!!


Where there's a will there's a way!!

What if you need to reset your password and they text that demo phone at a wireless phone store?


It's just a junk email account.. that'a all I've ever used gmail acct's for...

Checking out sites that want an email address for the purpose of validation...


Fake / incorrect

birth date
and anything else they want...

I've never used gmail because they read the stuff in your email and splatter you with ads... and with this, frankly I don't care..

I get ads for everything under the sun, bras, viagra, how to get bigger, smaller, prettier, uglier, richer, pay of morgages and the rest... it never ceases to amaze me

Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!

Great info. Thanks!

Great info. Thanks!
