Microsoft releases snooping patches for Windows 7 and 8


New patches became available as "Recommended" in Windows Update for Windows 7 and 8. They appear to be associated with snooping by MS similar to Windows 10 snooping. See Woody on Windows:

dobs108 smile


This is partly why I stopped updating my Windows 7 machine.

Michael (Nuvi 2639LMT)

Windows Snoop Machines

Yup Microshaft can't resist plundering around in our machines

Thank you for the warning.

Thank you for the warning. We use Windows 7 to avoid the snooping.

Not paranoid

What's the big deal with Microsoft gathering anonymous stats to get a better feel for how Windows is performing in the field?

Zumo 550 & Zumo 665 My alarm clock is sunshine on chrome.

Not Aware

dave817 wrote:

What's the big deal with Microsoft gathering anonymous stats to get a better feel for how Windows is performing in the field?

Because they sell those "anonymous" stats to advertisers and others, who can very easily de-anonymize them.

Unless you really believe the only reason they're going to the trouble of gathering all this data is for the benefit of their users?

If so, I have this bridge...