Consumer Electronics Show 2017
Thu, 12/22/2016 - 11:00pm
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 18 years
CES 2017 is only a couple of weeks away. Does anybody here anticipate Garmin, or anybody else for that matter, to release anything new at CES 2017? From my perspective, it seems as if Garmin releases things throughout the year, so maybe they won't release anything terribly earthshaking at CES 2017.
Would like Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 to be announced
Wish they would hurry up with the Samsung Galaxy Tab S3.
I have been watching for the announcement for awhile now.
Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)
Do we even know if Garmin intends to show up at CES this year?
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
Do we even know if Garmin intends to show up at CES this year?
They are listed as an exhibitor.
It looks like they have a pretty large booth space. But who knows what they plan to feature.
They may have a few new goodies
One can never tell, but I would say that they will probably roll something out.
"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022
Do we even know if Garmin intends to show up at CES this year?
They are listed as an exhibitor.
It looks like they have a pretty large booth space. But who knows what they plan to feature.
I see Garmin has booths too.
Hope Samsung releases the tablet I want...
Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)
Wearable Technology
One can never tell, but I would say that they will probably roll something out.
I imagine that Garmin will be increasing their involvement with wearable technology.
The GPS market has probably peaked, but the wearable technology market seems to expanding on an exponential scale. Similar to the emergence of "smartphones" (as opposed to plain cellular phones), new models of activity trackers - with slightly improved options - seem to be appearing every day. And the newer models are usually more expensive than the ones they replaced.
And there seems to be a growing demand among us old farts, as we try to achieve some semblance of "fitness"
I'll Be There
I am there every year. Know some of the folks at the booth that usually gives me some inside info on upcoming releases. If I find out anything, I'll post it when I get back. They usually have the same size booth in the exact same location each year (South Hall Upper Level I believe).
Garmin: GPSIII / StreetPilot / StreetPilot Color Map / StreetPilot III / StreetPilot 2610 / GPSMAP 60CSx / Nuvi 770 / Nuvi 765T / Nuvi 3490LMT / Drivesmart 55 / GPSMAP 66st * Pioneer: AVIC-80 / N3 / X950BH / W8600NEX
Oh man I'm jealous. I've
Oh man I'm jealous. I've been wanting to go to CES. Maybe next year.
Thanks, Preroll!
We look forward to your post!
We look forward to your post!
Just hoping there is something good to report this time. Some years are duds. Hoping to see something innovative for a change vs. just a small upgrade from prior series.
Garmin: GPSIII / StreetPilot / StreetPilot Color Map / StreetPilot III / StreetPilot 2610 / GPSMAP 60CSx / Nuvi 770 / Nuvi 765T / Nuvi 3490LMT / Drivesmart 55 / GPSMAP 66st * Pioneer: AVIC-80 / N3 / X950BH / W8600NEX
Consumer Electronics Show 2017
I know when I hear Garmin or GPS, automobile navigators are usually that first thing that come to my mind. I very well know that there are LOTS of other things that have GPS and that Garmin manufactures. Probably many of my fellow members here feel this way, too. It is possible that the 2017 Detroit Auto Show will also have Garmin there. With so many vehicle manufacturers having built in GPS, maybe Garmin would focus on that more than stand alone GPS automobile navigators.
As a side note, Garmin used to list on their corporate website some of the bigger events that they attended. For example, EAA for aircraft. The last time I looked, it needed to be updated on the website.
Very disappointing this trip. There were no real innovative updates. In my opinion, only dot updates. DriveLuxe 50 > 51? The only thing they were pushing was the 6.95" edge-to-edge display navigator. Big deal. What I'm really disappointed in confirming was that there will not be anymore FM traffic cords going forward. Traffic only available via a Bluetooth connected smartphone running Garmin Connect. The booth rep said it lowers their manufacturing costs. Great, so now I always need to rely on my smartphone with an app that's going to steal my contacts and invade my privacy just to get traffic? I hope my 3490 never dies. I'm old school and like a navigator to be self contained and not have to rely on other devices. Maybe just a personal choice but I'd be glad to pay extra for the FM cord.
Anyway, just my two cents...
Garmin: GPSIII / StreetPilot / StreetPilot Color Map / StreetPilot III / StreetPilot 2610 / GPSMAP 60CSx / Nuvi 770 / Nuvi 765T / Nuvi 3490LMT / Drivesmart 55 / GPSMAP 66st * Pioneer: AVIC-80 / N3 / X950BH / W8600NEX
Traffic receivers.
Thanks for confirming my suspicion about the traffic receivers. Glad I have my 3597, but I have no FM coverage in my local driving area. And now with Garmin pulling out of this technology, I don't think there ever will be. Remember MSN Direct?
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
Could it be they had to pay a Royalty for the traffic feed?
If I need cell phone data
If I need cell phone data for traffic, just what is the reason to NOT use Google Maps or Waze?
...seems this will only lead more and more people to abandon stand alone GPS devices.
I guess it's a matter of choice
I have used traffic and congestion reports from my nuvi, waze, google etc. and find them all lacking!
Conversely, all also have advantages but IMO do not outweigh the problems.
Spending even more money to have additional/duplicating data for a smartphone is just plain silly for most people. I use a min of 3Gb of data per month on my smartphone without internet. In my case, wifi meets at least 90% of my info needs and timing. I make the remaining 10% work/fit when applicable.
Stand alone is OK for me..... I save hundreds/thousands! .... Well worth the 10% "inconvenience".
Phone Co's just love this stuff!!!!!!!!
If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem quickly resembles a nail. (Maslow's Hammer)
Agree 100%
If I need cell phone data for traffic, just what is the reason to NOT use Google Maps or Waze?
If I have to start using my phone's data, then why not use the more up to date maps and traffic reports I get with Google Maps and Waze? I see the end of Garmin standalone units soon. I bet they will start moving towards Phone apps as well.
Garmin Nuvi 2699 with 2017.30 Maps
If I need cell phone data for traffic, just what is the reason to NOT use Google Maps or Waze?
IMO, the biggest reason not to use a cell phone for driver navigation is safety! It is difficult to interact with a small screened device without taking your eyes off the road for extended periods, or holding it in your hand. Either will get you a ticket in many states.
Yes, some older dash mounted GPS units have small screens but the interface is designed for driver use at a distance with larger control icons.
Was Thinking That
If I need cell phone data for traffic, just what is the reason to NOT use Google Maps or Waze?
If I have to start using my phone's data, then why not use the more up to date maps and traffic reports I get with Google Maps and Waze? I see the end of Garmin standalone units soon. I bet they will start moving towards Phone apps as well.
I was thinking the same. Move away from hardware and just sell Garmin software apps. Although, there are so many other GPS apps out there already it would probably just flop. Especially since some of those other apps are cheap or free. Garmin would want to charge at least $69 or $99 I'm sure.
Garmin: GPSIII / StreetPilot / StreetPilot Color Map / StreetPilot III / StreetPilot 2610 / GPSMAP 60CSx / Nuvi 770 / Nuvi 765T / Nuvi 3490LMT / Drivesmart 55 / GPSMAP 66st * Pioneer: AVIC-80 / N3 / X950BH / W8600NEX