Walgreens - All US Locations
Thu, 06/21/2007 - 3:09pm
17 years
I've got an excel file with all US Walgreens, the majority of which also have phone numbers included.
I was planning on tackling this after the Dollar General project but if anyone wants to start it up let me know and I'll send the excel file.
Everything is in different columns (address, city, state, zip, phone). This may seem like a problem but the =CONCATENATE() function in excel is a godsend to combine all of the information in one cell as you see fit. I'd suggest anyone making POI's get familiar with that function as well as the =FIND(), =LEFT() and =RIGHT() functions, which are all invaluable in manipulating this text data.
I would be very interested in the list, can you post a link to it here?
I'll be happy to clean it up for you
I'm a GPS newbie but I have extensive experience parsing and cating text in VB and excel. So if you send the file to me I'll be happy to do it.
I've converted a few lists
I've converted a few lists like yours into POI format. Fire it off to me and I'll take care of it.
It seems the hardest part of making POI files is getting the csv/Excel address data in the first place. Too many sites want to find the nearest location for you.
If you guys want the file
If you guys want the file send me a message through my profile so I get your email. I'll forward the excel file from there.
Noting those locations with 24 hour dive thru windows would be helpful.
I never received the file.
I never received the file. Is someone else working on it?
Add to Factory Database of POI's
After this file gets cleaned up, please send it to Ms. POI so that it can be added to our list of saved POI's.
Garmin Nuvi 2699 with 2017.30 Maps
Sorry all, haven't been able
Sorry all, haven't been able to spend much time on POIs the last month.
Still working on cleaning the errors in the Dollar General file. I sent the Walgreens file to 2 or 3 more people today.
If anyone still needs it send me a message through POI Factory so I can get your email.
The list I received only had
The list I received only had 37 stores in it.
Has anyone gotten anywhere with this?
This POI file would be like GOLD to me!!!
Has anyone gotten anywhere with this?
This POI file would be like GOLD to me!!!
i will upload the one that i have done to Miss POi, it has over 5800 locations
Everyday is a GREAT day :)
Has anyone gotten anywhere with this?
This POI file would be like GOLD to me!!!
i will upload the one that i have done to Miss POi, it has over 5800 locations
Here is the link to the current file:
Werskine, Is there something wrong with my version of the file (LMK)? I don't believe we need two versions of the file. Please compare the files before posting another version.
Walgreen's Driver, Please let me know if you find any error's as you work with the file.
Thank you both.....
Garmin Nüvi 650, 255WT
Yikes tons for work almost daily
This file has to be murder to maintain, Americana was set up with gas station on every corner. since the have torn most down and replaced with a drug store on adjacent corners. Maybe they figure us baby boomer's have more pharmacy needs that we think. After all I was alway told it was hell to get old, however not one person ever said it would hurt.
good luck with the drug store chain files!
I myself don't think I will use it, I just have to look up to find one.
Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.
Who ever is maintaining this file...keep up the great work.
Has anyone gotten anywhere with this?
This POI file would be like GOLD to me!!!
i will upload the one that i have done to Miss POi, it has over 5800 locations
Here is the link to the current file:
Werskine, Is there something wrong with my version of the file (LMK)? I don't believe we need two versions of the file. Please compare the files before posting another version.
Walgreen's Driver, Please let me know if you find any error's as you work with the file.
Thank you both.....
YOU ARE RIGHT MY file is a slim version just the coord's and that is it, your file has more detail.
Everyday is a GREAT day :)