Hey folks, new here


Just wanted to say hello, just got my Garmin Nuvi 1490 today and checking things out.

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Welcome to the site starbo

Welcome to the site starbo .Plenty of pois for download and lots of help if needed.Make sure to browse through the faq.Lots of good info there.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.


Lots of friendly people and tons of useful information here. A POI list for just about any interest.

Nuvi 360, OS X Lion 10.7


Welcome to the site. Enjoy your time here and before you know it you will be assimilated by the Borg Queen and put to work creating POI.

Speaking of POI, you are going to want to load some on your unit so I recommend two things to get you started. First of all, download the full user manual for your 1490 from Garmin.

Second, read the FAQs. http://www.poi-factory.com/faq

A lot of your questions will be answered before you get started. When you run into something that isn't obvious, don't be afraid to ask.

ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet

Godd to have you here

Welcome aboard.


Hi Starbo, Welcome to a great site!! grin



Have fun but read the FAQ section very good.

johnm405 660 & MSS&T


Welcome to the site!!!

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022


You can find a lot of interesting information on GPS here.

260, 295W, 1490T,2455LMT


Welcome to the site starbo. grin

Garmin Nuvi, 750

Garmin nuvi,750

Welcome and do not hesitate

Welcome and do not hesitate to ask questions about anything that is confusing you relative to your new unit.

John B - Garmin 765T


Get ready to learn a lot.

GPSmap76Cx handheld, Nuvi 2557LMT, Nuvfi 2598LMTHD


Pull up a chair, you'll be here awhile! wink

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK


welcome to the site

All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush

Thanks for all the welcomes.

Thanks for all the welcomes. Last night I made a back up of all the files on my Garmin and then deleted all the extraneous language packs from it. I don't know what freeing up the memory will do, but it's something I've always done with my computing devices. As I'll only ever need the thing in English I hardly see the need for all the other languages on there now that I own it.

I suppose when I start loading POI files the extra room will be handy, but I don't imagine they'll be much more than a few hundred bytes anyway.

remember to have fun

remember to have fun


enjoy your stay

Re: Hey Folks, New Here

Welcome starbo...



Sullivan's Law: Murphy was an optimist!


Welcome to the group.

Welcome to our

Welcome to our Community starbo,
Your going to love it here. Please take the time to read as much as you can and make good use of the search box for your questions. There are lots of very talented folks here that will answer your questions.

By using the search box first there's a good chance you don't have to wait for your answer, because the question has been asked before with several different community members giving answers that can guide through your task at hand.

Now have a seat in your favorite chair, and kick your feet up, and start reading. The two Threads below will get you going.

Getting Started:

Looking forward to seeing what you can also bring to the community table for the rest of us.


Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.

super site

a must for any user, newbie or old pro.

the answer to just about every question you may have is here.

a dedicated supporter of POI factory who puts everything in easy-to-understand language.


enjoy your time with us!

Golf,whenever and wherever you can ... Always swing hard, just in case you hit it ..... If you can reach it,you can hole it, SEE IT FEEL IT DO IT !

Welcome! You certainly found


You certainly found THE place for info about your new toy! grin

Nuvi 350 Born Oct 07 - Nuvi 660 Unit #2 (re)Born Sept 08 - Nuvi 360(Gift to 'the chick' yet maintained by myself) Born July 08


Welcome to the site, there is ton of great information at this site.

Bob, Garmin Nuvi 350 & 255WT


This is a great site with a very knowledgeable (and active) community. Most all problems have been seen and addressed. This is truly a one stop shop for GPS.

Welcome to the group, it is

Welcome to the group, it is nice to have you joining us.

Miss POI


Welcome to the POI-Factory

Kenwood KNA-G510 (actually a Garmin)

Welcome and

have fun!

Not doing anything worth a darn.

Welcome to the factory!

Welcome to the factory!

Hawk - Nuvi 1450

How did you hear about the POI factory?

Did you just do some Google searching, or were you recommended by someone? (Actually, I'd be curious how others came across the site. I just used Google, and it led me to this great site.)

there is already a post started for this.

frjhazuka wrote:

Did you just do some Google searching, or were you recommended by someone? (Actually, I'd be curious how others came across the site. I just used Google, and it led me to this great site.)


All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush

I was linked here from the

I was linked here from the Garmin dashboard site I think, now I can't recall for sure.

Good work on finding your way here!

Enjoy yourself!


Welcome aboard!

"For those who fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know."


Welcome to a fantastic site!


Welcome to the POI factory. Great site. Friendly people. Lots of great advice. People very willing to share knowledge, help others, and teach new people. Garmin's should come with a direct link to here. The POI files are a very nice add to a GPSr.

- Missouri, Garmin 750 &, 255W


welcome and hope you find everything you're looking for

Welcom aboard!

Welcom aboard!

Err, so far I have yet to

Err, so far I have yet to find a POI of interest to me. I suppose I came here looking for red light camera POI's, and TBH started posting with that goal in mind.

I'm sure this won't go over too well what with all the fan fare and love for this forum by it's members....but I find it to be an incredibly difficult site to navigate as well as having a rather anemic FAQ section that people keep directing me to. I dunno, maybe it's cuz I'm an admin of another forum but this place seems to need some work.

I do appreciate all the well wishes and positive replies, but so far I'm just not too sure what to gain here.

Welcome aboard

Welcome aboard



nuvi 250 --> 1250T --> 265T Lost my 1250T


Enjoy looking around!

Feel free to participate too smile

Roleplaying Canuck Gamer with: Nuvi 760 & 2595 LMT (Map Ver.: 2019.30) 2012 RAM 1500 4x4 Big Horn Quad

Though Not A Typical Forum Layout...

It actually works pretty well given its primary intention, to gather and share POI files.

With several paths toward finding them and tools to keep your copy up-to-date.

The biggest "problem" imo, is that it is so successful, the original filing structure has become unruly.

The discussion threads mostly support tips and tricks and creating an interactive community that shares in maintaining the various files.

I too wondered what was here for me, and before you know it, there are a dozen files that I have found that coincide with a variety of interests I have.

Just by browsing the category list and later the alphabetical list.

Before you know it, you'll be thinking... if only I could get my piano tuned whereever I take it... or if only I could find roadside candle-makers... or if only I could find all the best bike paths in the nation... you just might become a contributor too.

And the POI maintainers will jump on any idea to extend the value of their files.

Why I virtually have a half dozen people helping me identify places I want to visit this summer.

starbo wrote:

Err, so far I have yet to find a POI of interest to me. I suppose I came here looking for red light camera POI's, and TBH started posting with that goal in mind.

I'm sure this won't go over too well what with all the fan fare and love for this forum by it's members....but I find it to be an incredibly difficult site to navigate as well as having a rather anemic FAQ section that people keep directing me to. I dunno, maybe it's cuz I'm an admin of another forum but this place seems to need some work.

I do appreciate all the well wishes and positive replies, but so far I'm just not too sure what to gain here.

The Wizard of Ahhhhhhhs - Earned my Windmill 4/12/2010

The Second Big Reason...

starbo wrote:

I do appreciate all the well wishes and positive replies, but so far I'm just not too sure what to gain here.

The second big reason for participating is that the Points of Interest that are downloaded by your GPS manufacturer are vast... and great for locating places you want to use along the way. Gas, when you need it. Food, when you're hungry, Rest Rooms, when that becomes necessary.

But what about while you're cruising down a highway and little do you realize... you are but a couple of miles from the spot Laura Engalls ate her first taco (okay... I'm prone to the ludicrous) but my point is... you can download both unique POI files and POI files with information redundent to those already on your GPS... but can set them up to advise you both visually and audibly of your proximity to them.

And that's a great added-value feature to traveling by GPS. Yes you planned a great route... but did you know that you would be taking a detour one day and stumble across "Bolt's Antique Tool Museum"?

The Wizard of Ahhhhhhhs - Earned my Windmill 4/12/2010

Dare I ask, who is Laura

Dare I ask, who is Laura Engalls?

EDIT: Power of Google. I've never read the books nor watched the show. You're dating yourself with that reference!

Welcome to the Site

You will enjoy this site and find it a great source of information for your GPS.

Howdt and Welcome

Howdy and Welcome

><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><- 4-Garmin Nuvi 760>>>> Owner: Sunrise Mechanical A/C & Heating,, Peoria, Arizona

Lots of good stuff here,

Lots of good stuff here, ranging from POI's, the camera files and, not least, a wealth of technical expertise and vast experience of everything GPS and GPS related.

Welcome !

Wecome to the site. This is a great community of GPS users who are very helpful.

JG - Nuvi 2460

Dated Myself? Not Really

starbo wrote:

Dare I ask, who is Laura Engalls?

EDIT: Power of Google. I've never read the books nor watched the show. You're dating yourself with that reference!

Not really. Forget the TV show. Would I have dated myself for a Mark Twain reference? LOL

There are literally dozens of museums and historical markers dedicated to her journey. Why, I'd bet there are more "Laura Engalls Slept Here" sites than there are for George Washington.

Edit: Well... maybe... just the other day I was telling Sam...

The Wizard of Ahhhhhhhs - Earned my Windmill 4/12/2010


starbo wrote:

Just wanted to say hello, just got my Garmin Nuvi 1490 today and checking things out.

Welcome===I know you will enjoy this forum.
I do.


guy-----C320>nuvi 200>Nuvi 255W

Hey Folks, new here

Welcome - you have come to the best place on the internet to get POIs

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