Washington State Patrol Cop Shops


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Last updated 04/10/2010

Raw file: WSP-Cop-Shop.csv (1.35 KB)

Includes 36 locations in the following areas:

  • United States: WA
  • some may be in: OR (near a border)

This POI contains all of the locations of Washington State Patrol Offices and their rural Detachment offices, as listed on the WSP website.

I did not create this POI so that you can find a Cop Shop to go to for fun. It was created as a complimentary file to the Redlight & Speed camera databases. The theory goes like this: As you get closer to a Cop Shop, the likelyhood of seeing a Cop goes up greatly. So if you are notified that a Cop Shop is in the area, you are more likely to be aware of your speed and how you operate your car.

This POI contains 36 location across the state. There are no addresses in this file. Just Lat / Long and a simple text alert message that reads "WSP Cop Shop".

I suggest manually installing this POI with a Proximity distance of atleast .5-.75 miles. Personally I set it to 1 mile. There are only 36-38 locations across the state, so the alert wont go off very often even with a larger proximity.