Garmin C340/265WT observation
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Traveling to FL from VA down I95 using c340 (2009 maps) with Cracker Barrel alert set in manual mode for 5280 ft.Made this trip several times.Never received alert for passing any Cracker Barrel from I95 due to the location being more then 50 ft off the interstate.If selected go to then I would receive the alert once I left the interstate and was on the road the Cracker Barrel was located on.This has been my understanding of how the directional alerts worked and also based on past posts of other users.
Now in the process of returning to VA with my Nuvi 265 wt.It has 2010 maps and latest software updates.The first Cracker Barrel I set as a via point in Brooksville FL I noticed I receive the alert from the interstate and the location is no where near 50 ft off the interstate.Same one I stopped at going down with the c340.Noticed as I passed other Cracker Barrels on the interstate without go selected no alert was triggered.For the heck of it I selected the next Cracker Barrel as go to and sure enough received the alert from the interstate.Repeated this for total of 3 locations and was alerted for each one from the interstate.Again all no where close to 50 ft off the interstate.Only can compare this with the c340 I use to own.Stopped in SC for the night and plan to try a few more but expect the results to be the same.
With my Nuvi 260
I set the Crackerbarrel file as a TourGuide, set distance to about 1 1/2 miles, made a .wav file and about 1 - 1 1/4 miles I get "Cracker Barrel ahead"
Works like a charm
Did the same for all the Truck Plazas like Loves. TA, Flying J
MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !
Not using the TourGude in
Not using the TourGuide in this file but have tried it in the past.Just wondering why I get alert from interstate when I select go to?Not suppose to get alert unless it is located 50 ft off the interstate.Anyone who has traveled down I95 knows these locations are no where close to 50 ft.No alert unless I select go to and the alert is triggered from the interstate.Starting to think some kind of change has been made.Never worked this way with the c340.Like I stated above had to be on the road of the location for Cracker Barrel to alert using go to or just passing by on the same road.
By the way never missed one alert on the Rest Stops.
Edit.Tried the alerts for Cracker Barrel on the rest of the trip back to VA.When setting go to for Cracker Barrel the alarm sounds while on the interstate regardless of being well beyond the 50 ft.When not selecting go to did not receive any alert while on route back to VA.The big surprise was when on I95 coming up to exit 11a for Emporia. I had selected the Cracker Barrel located on a side rd off of 58 but still get the alert while on the interstate.So the 50 ft rule does not apply when you select go to.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
So the 50 ft rule does not apply when you select go to.
Maybe the Street Pilot series is different from the Nuvi's, but on the Nuvis that I have heard of, the alerts are of the "along the route" variety. When there is no destination set, the GPS has not choice but to assume the "route" is the street you are on; for an alert to trigger, the POI must be within 50 ft of that road. If, however, you choose a destination, the GPS is smart enough to forecast the entire route. In this case, an alert triggers as long as the POI is within 50 ft of the forecasted route.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
That has been my thoughts
That has been my thoughts also.Like the example I gave getting on to 58 from I95.The alert sounded on I95.The location for the cracker barrel is off Market ST .You have to get off I95 turn east on 58 and turn right on to Market ST.Stopped here many times and would get the alert once at the intersection of 58 and Market with the c340.See .I can see the alert once on Market ST but did not understand why on I95.I guess that is the way it works for the Nuvi when selecting go to.So I guess in future answers if you select go to you can get the alert before before driving on the road of the location and well beyond the 50 ft for the first alert.No alert until driving on the road for the location and coordinates no more then 50 ft off the road for times you don't have go to selected.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.