POI Loader v2.4.0.0 Beta (?)
Fri, 03/02/2007 - 11:09am
![]() 17 years
Garmin lists POI Loader v2.4.0.0 as a beta release and to be "used at your own risk". I've been using it and never had any issue with it at all. Usually when I think of a beta release of any software, I think of it as buggy.. and usually it is. So I'm just curious, have any of you had any negative experiences or found any bugs at all with this version? Because it seems perfectly fine to me.
No problems here, used it
No problems here, used it for about 2 months now.
Garmin Nüvi 265WT,Software Ver. 7.00, City Navigator North America NT 2010.30
No Problems
Been using it since it came out.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
Works good for me too.
Works good for me too.
nuvi350 upgraded to V4.3 and small SD card for testing. etrex Legend and gps60 csx & GPSmap60CSx
POI Loader
Have been using it since it come out and did not find any problems with it so far i think you will be ok to use it and not worry
Auggie SP2720 , SP C330, Nuvi 650, Nuvi 785T,Dezl 770lmt America Moves By Truck
Same here no problem, works
Same here no problem, works great
NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT
not a problem
Never had a problem with the beta version.
If there has been a problem, it's been me and not the software.
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
I,ve been using it since the
I,ve been using it since the day it was released. So far I,ve never had a problem with it.I agree with you about BETA having a lot of bugs, But the POI BETA loader has been just great so far.
No problem using with a c550 and Dell Computer
No problem using with a c550 and Dell Computer with XP Pro.
Ham radio Operator W9WOW. Using Garmin Streetpilot C550. Mac G5 Duo with Mac OS 10.4.10
It depends what you're using it for ...
If you're using it to load .CSV files (which probably about 99.99% of you are) then it's OK ... not perfect, but OK.
if you're trying to load .GPX files with it, then it's awful
I've sent quite a few bug reports off to Garmin - none have been acknowledged, but fingers crossed they're being acted on).
(Garmin seems to have employed someone with a fundamental lack of understanding when it comes to <xml>. The problem is exasperated by the fact that it's only got one error message, which is along the lines of "an error occurred". )
I think the problem might be caused by the fact that they expect all .gpx files to be identical to the ones produced by their own Mapsource program. But they're not.
I'm not a fan!!
(Even if 99.99% of you think I'm being too harsh
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- http://GeePeeEx.com - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
POI Loader
I haven't had any problems either
I haven't had any problems.
I haven't had any problems. I've used it for csv files and also for gpx files of geocaching locations without any problems.
POI Loader
No problems for me -- very simple and works great.
I have been using itt for two months without problem with a Nuvi 660 & 360,
and a StreetPilot 550.
RKF (Brookeville, MD) Garmin Nuvi 660, 360 & Street Pilot
Weird Problem with Beta POI Loader
I use MS Office Shortcut Bar attached to the top of my desktop screen (from Office 2000 even though I use Office 2003 which doesn't have a Shortcut Bar). If I start POI Loader, the dialog box opens in the upper left corner of the desktop and does not display any buttons (Next, Cancel, Help, etc.). The only way I can get POI Loader to run normally is to move the Shortcut Bar to some other part of the desktop. Then the dialog box opens in the center of the desktop with the buttons showing.
I have not sent in a bug report since I have not found a link to a specific address for the POI Loader beta team.
POI Verifier
Recently downloaded it and updated all my POI files. No problems, works great!
Beta POI Loader
I've been using it and never had any issue with it at all. Usually when I think of a beta release of any software, I think of it as buggy.. and usually it is. So I'm just curious, have any of you had any negative experiences or found any bugs at all with this version? Because it seems perfectly fine to me.
I've been using it with no problems.
I consider beta versions as 'work in prgress'. I always backup my whole hard drive before installing any program, beta or not. I've had the most bugs with a program which isn't beta (or is it??!!!**), 'Windows'!!
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
POI Loader v2.4.0.0 beta
What clue tells you that you are using the beta version. I downloaded and installed it over v2.3. But when I do a help on version, it still displays 2.3.
I was able to load categories for POIs:
POI Folder
---POI Sub-Folder 1
------poi file 1.csv
---POI Sub-Folder 2
------poi file 2.csv
---POI Sub-Folder 3
------poi file 3.csv
------poi file 4.csv
------poi file 5.csv
Does this mean the beta version is loaded/working?
HarveyS - Nuvi 350
No problems here
with this Beta...
Garmin C530
re: POI Loader v2.4.0.0 beta
What clue tells you that you are using the beta version.
If you have the manual and express modes, you have the Beta version.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
I think I remember reading
I think I remember reading somewhere that you can't install the v2.4.0 beta over v2.3.2. You need to uninstall v2.3.2 first and then install the beta. Maybe doing that would fix your problem?
POI Loader & MioMap - does it work together?
Could somebody tell me if POI Loader works only for Garmin PDAs or it accepts other models as well? I have MioMap as navigation software and MIO P550 as PDA. On the download site from Garmin I’ve read the following: “This software should only be uploaded to the unit for which it is intended. If this software is uploaded to a GPS unit other than the product it is designed for, it will render the unit inoperative”. Have any of you any experience of using it with MioMap? Many thanks in advance.
POI Loader is a Garmin Product
The POI Loader is a Garmin product that you download from their website. It would be highly unusual if it could even recognize a Mio GPS unit. I wouldn't try it. It's not worth risking damage to the files in your Mio.
I plan to live forever. So far, so good.
solution for MIO PDAs
Thank you PRISMTH for your tip. You are right – it is not worthwhile. I’ve found the solution for MIO PDAs – iGO POI Explorer. This is also beta version, but it works fine. I didn’t have possibility to check it properly, but my first attempt was successful. So, if somebody wit MIO PDA will need it – here you are
Where can I find the Beta
Where can I find the Beta version software to download?
OutdoorGuy27 Nuvi 660, Nuvi 360, Legend Cx, StreetPilot III & eMap
Problems with C3x0 and I3 and Beta POILoader
The Beta POILoader works fine for me when all .csv files are in the one directory - but I'm having problems using the NEW functionality of sub-categories that this Beta software is supposed to provide (and which would be great).
There's a long chain of posts on the issues in this thread ...
... but in summary the Beta POILoader's sub-category capability seems to work fine with several devices but not the C3x0 series and the I3.
Anyone with these devices who doesn't have the problem - let us know.
no problem
no problem
POI Loader v2.4.0.0 Beta
The Help File on this package is corrupted.
Thanx BiLL Solomon
Delete POIs function deleted in POI Loader Beta ??
Has anyone noticed that in the latest POI Loader Beta the ability to delete all Custom POIs from the device has been removed?
I'm not normally paranoid - but what's happening here !! ??
You're not paranoid
I'm not normally paranoid - but what's happening here !! ??
Garmin is just out to get you...
That option is gone on that new beta version - may be an 'oops', or, they've decided that function was too useful, and therefore removed it....
If you want to start from scratch, upload an empty csv file, and then upload your new files.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Never really understood the need for that function
That option is gone on that new beta version - may be an 'oops', or, they've decided that function was too useful, and therefore removed it....
If you want to start from scratch, upload an empty csv file, and then upload your new files.
I never understood why the function to delete all POIs was necessary. As you state, every time you load one or more new file, it replaces the existing POIs. Also, it is easy to just connect to the USB port and remove the file from many models.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
Why delete anyway?
To be honest, Mkahn, I agree with you. I really value the custom POI functionality so will always use it ... but some owners try it out once, decide they do not need it, but then for some units such as a C320 have a problem removing the "Custom POI" option from their units. I think they are mistaken - but their call I guess.
Email 'em ?
I think they are mistaken - but their call I guess.
If they've done it on purpose, it seems odd, given that they've only just added it in. You could try sending an email to Application.Support@garmin.com and point it out. (That's the address I sent a load of bug reports to...and to their credit, they've addressed some of them !) I was annoyed that I didn't get any responses, but it turned out to be my mail system that had blocked them
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- http://GeePeeEx.com - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
Beta POI
For some unknown reason Beta would not install over Beta I had to uninstall first.
Yeah, I think everyone had
Yeah, I think everyone had that experience. Not sure why. Maybe a function of it being Beta. The Help file is corrupt too, unfortunately.
No problem loading
Yeah, I think everyone had that experience. Not sure why. Maybe a function of it being Beta. The Help file is corrupt too, unfortunately.
I didn't have a problem loading it on top of the previous beta version. Regarding the help file, I contacted Garmin and it was confirmed that the help file didn't work. They said that many times in beta versions they aren't concerned about activating and updating the help file. Previous beta version did work.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
MIO Poi's
I've tried this program too and it seems to convert nicely, however, saan0014, where do I need to save the files? what directory, as I cant seem to get it to work on my MIO p550 v3.2......
Thank you PRISMTH for your tip. You are right – it is not worthwhile. I’ve found the solution for MIO PDAs – iGO POI Explorer. This is also beta version, but it works fine. I didn’t have possibility to check it properly, but my first attempt was successful. So, if somebody wit MIO PDA will need it – here you are
Mio POI's
The Mio formats it's POI's so differently that I'd never attempt to use some other software on it. And no, it won't render the unit inoperative, just you won't be able to use your POI's.
Read more at my site: www.hugginsnet.com/ilovemymio
. . If I only had a brain....................................... http://www.hugginsnet.com/ilovemymio ..................................................... GPS Units in Use: Mio C310x (primary) and Garmin eTrex Legend for GeoCaching.
Production version now available
the latest production version of POI Loader now has the functions first seen in the beta version - such as POI delete and subcategories. Plus the sub-cats now work on C320/30 as long as you have the latest system software
Solution - sort of
Have a read of :
Dan Langille - http://www.langille.org/
I know you are trying to be useful, but please don't post the exact same thing in multiple threads, especially not ones that are several months old. It tends to get confusing.
3 GPSr, one person
No problems for me -- very simple and works great.
I have been using itt for two months without problem with a Nuvi 660 & 360,
and a StreetPilot 550.
Gees, how can you afford so many GPSrs...lol. I can't barely afford one...lol. And what do you need them all for? One for the wife, one for you, and the third????
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
Just my opinion...
but there is the old adage, "A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure."
-- Segal's Law
( http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/clocks.html )
POI Loader v2.4.0.0 Beta
I downloaded POI Loader v2.4.2.0 today, and it appers to work fine.
Yes, that's why it's not usually a good thing for people to respond to threads that are several months old. It gets confusing because people think it's a current topic. And this issue was solved a while ago.
POI loader
I want to install Speed camera voice alerts i have a Garmin nuvi 255 where can i get this loader
do you have an alternative way i converteed the files from mp3 to wav
I hope you can help
Regards snowyjp
POI loader
where did u find the download i have looked every where
i want to install voice alerts
also see http://home.comcast.net/~ghayman3/garmin.gps/pagepoi.02.htm#... for help converting MP3 to WAV.
Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.
wav files
I want to install Speed camera voice alerts i have a Garmin nuvi 255 where can i get this loader
do you have an alternative way i converteed the files from mp3 to wav
I hope you can help
Regards snowyjp
See http://www.poi-factory.com/node/25730
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Yes, that's why it's not usually a good thing for people to respond to threads that are several months old. It gets confusing because people think it's a current topic. And this issue was solved a while ago.
thinking of this statement and looking at the time stamp on the next post from this one it only took 2 years to reopen this topic. LOL
Jerry...Jacksonville,Fl Nüvi1450,Nuvi650,Nuvi 2495 and Mapsource.