POI Proximity alarms
Tue, 06/12/2007 - 1:25pm
17 years
I have a Street Pilot C340 and recently loaded some POI files (ex IA rest areas). During the installation process I requested a 15 mile alert using the manual settings. These were locations and not traffic or other related traps so no speed info was entered. A few seemed to work just fine but most gave no alert at all unless I was actually at the location. When I looked at the POI on the unit it showed a 15 mile alarm setting. Am I missing something in these files?
Proximity alarms are difficult to nail down as to how they work, and when they work, or why & when they don't. I'd suggest using "proximity alarms" minus the quotes in the box at the top of the page and look over the several discussions we've had about the subject.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Sometimes those rest area locations are located too far away from the roadway. Typically, the alert will only sound when it senses that you are on the same road as the POI and traveling in the direction of the POI. If the coordinates point to the building or an access road, they may not alert. You would need to change the coordinates of the location to be right along (or very near) the roadway.
Thanks for your reply.
Thanks for your reply. These were pretty typical rest areas along I80 in IA, IL, IN, OH and PA. Some were very near the roadways, others slightly off. I guess I assumed proximity, in my case, would mean in a 15 mile radius of where I was in the general direction of where I going. You would think that would be a major benefit of having a GPS.
Rest Area Locations
Thought you may be interested in knowing that the locations of the Iowa rest areas are the actual locations on MapSource, i.e. off the side of the interstate.
I see you're located 30 miles away from us, but have no contact listed. Send an email if you have time.
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
Directional Proximity Alarms
I think a handy feature would be the function to make a waypoint proximity alarm directional in the case of speed cameras.
We have a 12 lane highways (six in each direction) with speed cameras mounted along the middle barrier between the two.
When I am warned of a camera approaching it would be nice to only be warned of the camera that is facing me and not receive 'false alarms' for the cameras which do not affect my direction of travel.
One could set this 'directional proximity' up on something like MapSource and upload it to the GPS unit.
Nuvi 715 (Sucks), Nuvi 670 (dead)& Garmin GPS 72. South African living Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
The unit can do it...
The 'Safety Camera Database' that Garmin supply in Europe contains directional alerts. This is supplied as a pre-made .GPI file (but it's a different format to the one produced by POI Loader)
Presumably - the "Content Toolkit" will be able to make these as well.
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- http://GeePeeEx.com - Garmin POI Creation made easy »