Wilco Hess Travel Centers

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Last updated 09/01/2008

Raw file: Wilco_POI.csv (2.56 KB)

Includes 30 locations in the following areas:

  • United States: AL, GA, NC, PA, SC, TN, VA

Well, I couldn't find a file for Wilco, so I went to their website. They didn't have a file, but I was able to download a list of their travel centers, and then used DeLorme Streets and Google Earth to geocode the list. A couple locations didn't look like they had truck parking. But I made a note of that. A couple I couldn't verify the exact location (also made note) and there might be a situation or two where I tagged the wrong truck stop as being a Wilco. If you find any errors, please let me know.

Change History

  • fmcaninch - May 31, 2013
    contributed icon