Garmin Express / Nuvi 3790 / City Navigator Europe NTU 2016.3


Good morning,

I have a problem to install the new CN Europe NTU 2016.3 to my Nuvi 3790 using Garmin Express.

The update start without a warning of any problem, only after 1:30u just before the last minutes of installing i got a error message: 'There was a error installing the updates' no explanation, nothing else.

Try to install the update on 3 different computers (all Mac's) Always the same error.

Maybe i don't have enough space in my Nuvi so installing a part of the maps would be the solution, only i don't get the option in Garmin Express to install a part of the maps.

I could use Garmin Mapinstall only i don't know if this installs everything like 'Junction View' ... i really need that.

Any suggestions to install the maps and Junction View on my Nuvi 3790 without problems?

Thanks & enjoy the weekend


MapInstall a no go

You're correct, if you use MapInstall it won't install the junction view file and various others, just the map.

Difficult to know why Express is not working correctly, but you're correct that space could be an issue although Express is meant to check for that. Simplest way forward is probably to use the cloning method

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20


If Garmin Express continues to fail with a map update, the something else you could try is GarminMapUpdater rather than MapInstall:

Note that although GarminMapUpdater offers all features like Junction View, Voice Recognition, etc., models like the 3790 which show 3D Terrain may lose the DEM map meaning that before using GarminMapUpdater, you have a backup of the DEM map to reinstall to the 3790 if needed:

Hmm, in North America, the 3790 will show 3D Terrain. Does anyone know if City Navigator Europe also offers 3D Terrain? Of course, if you stay in the Lowlands all the time 3D Terrain isn't going to offer much but it'd fun to have when driving through the Alps or whatever:

Try'd to use the

Try'd to use the GarminMapUdater and i have a option to buy the maps (i have a lifetime update) or to enter a product code ...

Whats the product code for the city navigator NTU Europe 2016.30 ?

Nu luck with the cloning ... also get a error sad


WVY wrote:

Try'd to use the GarminMapUdater and i have a option to buy the maps (i have a lifetime update) or to enter a product code ...

Whats the product code for the city navigator NTU Europe 2016.30 ?

Nu luck with the cloning ... also get a error sad

Bummer. My next thought, knowing nothing about Macs, is that your failed attempts to install the map resulting in the error message could mean that you already have some downloaded files from previous attempts stored on your Mac and these stored temporary computer files are corrupt. If so, my suggestion would be to find and delete them, the restart the map update process with Garmin Express or GarminMapUpdater, or as a last resort, the cloning method. If you receive no help in the Garmin forum on finding the Mac files, you might try asking here at the Mac Topics forum.

As I said, I know nothing about Macs. Is there any chance that the Mac may be going to sleep during the download or update process? If so, I'd try switching the computer to Always On. Ditto for Safely Disconnecting or Ejecting the device from the Mac. These can be issues with PCs and maybe they carry over to Macs.

One last question: Has your GPS device and Mac succeeded in the past with map updates and suddenly failed this time—or is this your first attempt at a map update?

PS: I doubt that it's true but when I see your user name I think you'd be a West Virginia Yankee. Doubtful, huh? In any event, welcome to The Factory and stick around at least until we resolve your update problem.

System issue somewhere

If everything is failing I agree with Craig that something is wrong in your system somewhere. If it's not your Mac going to sleep are you able to try via another Mac or PC?

Are you able to say when the error with cloning appeared and exactly what it said?

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20

3D for Europe

Yes, I have watched a simulation run for Milan to Paris. The section through the Alps is fun.

Already deleted all previous

Already deleted all previous versions of Garmin software from my iMac, Macbook Pro ... and still the same problem.

The problem isn't previous files or corrupted files. I even deleted hidden files from my Mac and Garmin Nuvi.

My mac isn't going to sleep during the installation and al go's fine till the last minutes sad

Before i never had this issue and all updates go's well. Only with this one i have problems. I am a experience user of Garmin's / Mac over years and always found a solution for problems. For this one i'm stuck ...


If you use wifi have you tried cabling into your router instead? Some router settings have caused issues for some.

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20



Problem is solved. How?

The cloning was not working for me because i used a 4Gb SD-card.

After reading the cloning method again i looked up all files in the Nuvi .system-folder and deleted the (hidden) files that are in the 'Notes for newer Garmin devices with a .System folder'- section of the cloning explanation.

After deleting the files i had about 7Gb free on the Nuvi so i started Garmin Express again and all go's well this time.

Properly there where some corrupted files on the Nuvi that used a lot of space so there wasn't enough space free to install the new maps.

Thanks to the forum the problem was solved!

Enjoy sunday and thanks again.


Glad you got it sorted.

@alanb given the size now of maps, junction view files etc perhaps the cloning thread should be updated to indicate an 8Gb card should be used, rather than 4Gb?

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20